Geführte Wanderung mit und ohne Schnee Get to know the country and its people on a 2-hour walk. In all weathers. Meeting point: 9.30 am, Tourist Information Appenzell Pre-registration: by 12 noon on the Thursday (previous day). Find out more about: + Geführte Wanderung mit und ohne Schnee
Prize draw at the Kaienhaus Living tradition - En Jass chlopfe! Find out more about: + Prize draw at the Kaienhaus
Appenzell Peace Stations public guided tour Public guided tour from Walzenhausen to Heiden Find out more about: + Appenzell Peace Stations public guided tour
Wild herb hike Learn to recognize wild herbs and experience their benefits for your health and well-being. Find out more about: + Wild herb hike
Wild herb culinary delights with a hike Wild herbs on your plate Find out more about: + Wild herb culinary delights with a hike
Tour de Suisse - Etappenort Heiden The Tour de Suisse brings a two-day spectacle to our beautiful village of Heiden that will attract and inspire people from near and far. Find out more about: + Tour de Suisse - Etappenort Heiden
Appenzeller Kantonal Schwingfest Gais Trouser seat in Appenzellerland Find out more about: + Appenzeller Kantonal Schwingfest Gais
19. Schweizer Wandernacht Im Dunkeln sieht man zwar weniger, dafür hört, riecht, schmeckt und fühlt man intensiver. Erleben Sie das Wanderparadies Alpstein-Appenzell in der Nacht vom 12.-13. Find out more about: + 19. Schweizer Wandernacht
7th Historic Mountain Sprint Walzenhausen - Lachen The "moving museum" against the magnificent backdrop of Lake Constance thrills with speed, engine noises, screeching tires, stars as well as well-known and old vehicle brands. Find out more about: + 7th Historic Mountain Sprint Walzenhausen - Lachen
Appenzell Cantonal Gymnastics Festival Herisau Sports competitions and supporting program Find out more about: + Appenzell Cantonal Gymnastics Festival Herisau