Concert: Almas - Music for the soul Let yourself be inspired and carried away with well-known songs ranging from jazz, pop and rock to bossa and R&B. Find out more about: + Concert: Almas - Music for the soul
Concert: Lindsay Ferguson & Goldschatz You can expect quiet, romantic and contemplative moments with Lindsay Ferguson & Goldschatz. Find out more about: + Concert: Lindsay Ferguson & Goldschatz
Vocal ensemble: Best of Ottava Rima 8 voices - 4 women & 4 men, who know how to shine even without musical accompaniment, will make the resonanzraum resound! Find out more about: + Vocal ensemble: Best of Ottava Rima
Entertainment Jodlerclub Teufen - HOTEL "ALL INCLUSIVE" Concert & Sing-Theater - An evening full of music, dance and entertainment! Enjoy gastronomy, an exciting raffle and bar service in the "Giftlaube". Find out more about: + Entertainment Jodlerclub Teufen - HOTEL "ALL INCLUSIVE"
«Loos-Stobede» Every Sunday from 14.00 to 17.00 "Stobede" in the Garni Loosmühle. Find out more about: + «Loos-Stobede»
Appenzeller Musik im Hotel Hof Weissbad Appenzell music in the hotel lobby Find out more about: + Appenzeller Musik im Hotel Hof Weissbad
«Handstick-Stobede» Schauen Sie den Handstickerinnen bei ihrer Arbeit über die Schulter. An der «Handstick-Stobede» treffen sich Stickerinnen aus der ganzen Region. Find out more about: + «Handstick-Stobede»
«Stobede» with Appenzeller Music at the Rössli Appenzell on Weissbadstrasse Stobede" every Thursday evening at the Rössli folk music venue on Weissbadstrasse. Registration is recommended. Find out more about: + «Stobede» with Appenzeller Music at the Rössli Appenzell on Weissbadstrasse
Concert: Paul Tiernan and John Lester Together they perform their songs and harmonize wonderfully. Two extraordinary musicians who together promise an even more extraordinary evening! Find out more about: + Concert: Paul Tiernan and John Lester
Concert True Colors Three musicians, three stories and a wealth of sounds Find out more about: + Concert True Colors
J. S. Bach: BWV 197: Gott ist unsre Zuversicht Kantate zur Trauung, für Sopran, Alt und Bass, Vokalensemble, Trompete I-III, Pauken, Oboe I+II, Oboe d’amore I+II, Streicher und Basso continuo. Find out more about: + J. S. Bach: BWV 197: Gott ist unsre Zuversicht
Musical performance of the story: "The dragon's secret" Children's concert and instrument presentation Find out more about: + Musical performance of the story: "The dragon's secret"
Appenzeller Echo und Peter Lenzin Band Ein einzigartiges musikalisches Erlebnis erwartet Sie! Find out more about: + Appenzeller Echo und Peter Lenzin Band
Frühlingskonzerte Musikgesellschaft Harmonie Appenzell Samstag, 22. März 2025: Abendunterhaltung mit Jugendmusik, Jungtambouren, Tambouren und Corps anschliessend Unterhaltung mit RhiApp Saalöffnung um 19. Find out more about: + Frühlingskonzerte Musikgesellschaft Harmonie Appenzell
1st Wonnenstein Organ Vespers A sonorous encounter in a unique atmosphere Find out more about: + 1st Wonnenstein Organ Vespers
Live Musik - Kevin Owen Kevin Owen ist Singer & Songwriter, der in Österreich lebt und in Kanada, den USA und in Europa arbeitet. Find out more about: + Live Musik - Kevin Owen
Afternoon of entertainment with the Warth-Buebe Traditional Appenzell music and a convivial atmosphere Find out more about: + Afternoon of entertainment with the Warth-Buebe
Singing together: Ratzliedli-Tröff The term "Ratzliedli" is made up of "ratz" in the sense of "zom Tratz", i.e. to tease, irritate, tease someone and "Lied", i.e. in sung form. Find out more about: + Singing together: Ratzliedli-Tröff
Live Musik - Duo von Buron Buron hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht mit viel Groove, zweistimmigen Gesang und coolen Showeinlagen ein Publikum zum Tanzen zu bringen. Find out more about: + Live Musik - Duo von Buron
Public lecture with choir performance The Historische Verein Herisau und Umgebung invites you to a public lecture with musical accompaniment. Find out more about: + Public lecture with choir performance
Jazz im rab - Jamsession Play along - let's go - see you soon! Find out more about: + Jazz im rab - Jamsession
Remo Forrer Viel Herzblut, eine grosse Stimme und brandneue Songs. Find out more about: + Remo Forrer
Martin O. - Super Looper Das musikalische Loop-Erlebnis mit Highlights und brandneuem vom einmaligen Stimmakrobaten. Alles live, witzig, tiefgründig und einmalig. Find out more about: + Martin O. - Super Looper
Engadine melodies: Kapelle Nogler From old Engadine dances to the present day: contemporary folk music with three strings and small clarinet! Find out more about: + Engadine melodies: Kapelle Nogler
Concert: Boris Bittel - Vinteri Gschichte usem Läbe A singer-songwriter program in Mani Matter style! Find out more about: + Concert: Boris Bittel - Vinteri Gschichte usem Läbe
Easter market in Rehetobel Spring atmosphere, market stalls and convivial get-togethers Find out more about: + Easter market in Rehetobel
Abendunterhaltung Unterhaltungsabend unter dem Motto "Talentshow" mit abwechslungsreicher Brassband-Musik und Theatereinlagen Find out more about: + Abendunterhaltung
Kammermusikkonzert: Signum Quartett Chamber music concert Signum Quartet Find out more about: + Kammermusikkonzert: Signum Quartett
„Elliot Marks Trio“ beim Bluesclub Bühler Es wird eine musikalische Reise geben, die den Blues-Rock neu aufleben lässt: hard, laut, virtuos, sanft, leise, dynamisch, melodiös und vor allem authentisch. Find out more about: + „Elliot Marks Trio“ beim Bluesclub Bühler
Appenzell evening - every 1st Friday of the month Every first Friday evening of the month, you can immerse yourself in the world of Appenzellerland. We spoil you with a delicious Appenzeller buffet and music to match. Find out more about: + Appenzell evening - every 1st Friday of the month
JAMfreeday Jam session for all dance & music enthusiasts. Come along and play spontaneously with new and old friends. Instruments and equipment for your own instruments are available. Find out more about: + JAMfreeday
Entertainment Grueberchörli Singing, music and theater in the Grub gymnasium Find out more about: + Entertainment Grueberchörli
Anniversary 10 years of the Rossbüchel economy Insight behind the scenes Find out more about: + Anniversary 10 years of the Rossbüchel economy
125 years of Waldstatt Tourism Interactive themed program, festival pub, bar and competition at MZG Waldstatt Find out more about: + 125 years of Waldstatt Tourism
Mozart Requiem Pure mystery - W.A. Mozart, Requiem and Joseph Haydn, Symphony No. 44 in E minor "Symphony of Sorrow" Find out more about: + Mozart Requiem
Stobete zum Wilden Mann On the second Tuesday of every month, we welcome you to the "Stobete" in the Wirtschaft zum Wilden Mann. Find out more about: + Stobete zum Wilden Mann