The lakeside path leads along some of the loveliest Ostschweiz shoreline – and plenty of waterfowl can be observed at the Wurmsbach and Busskirch nature reserves. Several public bathing and sport areas are also discovered underway.
There are virtually no climbs along this sixth stage. From Schmerikon, the path follows the shoreline, staying within the Canton of St. Gallen at all times. On the other side, you’ll see the trains plying between Rapperswil and Uznach. The route takes you beneath a Lourdes grotto, although it’s hard to get to on foot.
Swans and ducks enjoy the sun amongst the reed beds, one of the most unspoilt lakeside landscapes in Eastern Switzerland, and in the meadows in this narrow strip of land on the shore. Storks can also be spotted hunting for a meal. After passing a boatyard and harbour, you get to the Early Gothic chapel of St. Meinrad in Rapperswil-Jona. Believed to date from the 13th century, it sits on a small headland. Still crossing open terrain with the glittering water ahead of you, you reach the architecturally stunning Wurmsbach Abbey, founded in the 12th century. The abbey is home to an active community of around ten Cistercian nuns who preserve abbey life and hold services. Its church contains elaborate frescos and is well worth a visit. Further inland, on the other side of the railway line and road, lies the Enea Tree Museum, where Enzo Enea has collected some 3,000 rare and valuable trees.
The route is now coming up to the first few houses in Jona. It passes sports fields, fruit fields, the campsite at the bathing area and finally the River Jona, before rejoining the lake. Your eye is bound to be caught by the majestic Rapperswil Castle, which towers over the town from its hillside location.
Passing detached houses and a sports complex with swimming pool, you come to the famous Rapperswil kids’ zoo, although you will leave this behind on your right.
Following a shaded path to the university of applied sciences and across its campus, the route then takes you underneath the railway line and into the centre of Rapperswil. On your left, you will be able to spot the longest wooden footbridge in Europe, which allows pedestrians to cross from Rapperswil to Pfäffikon via Hurden avoiding the main road. The bridge forms part of the Way of St. James to Santiago de Compostela via Einsiedeln.
An enjoyable tour includes the careful planning of the same. Please inform yourself in advance at the local information center about the route and weather conditions. Depending on the season and weather conditions, this route may be blocked or interrupted
Start location |
Destination |
Rapperswil SG
Direction |
One way
Altitude (meter above sea level) |
400 m
Ascent |
70 m
Descent |
70 m
Distance |
11 km
Duration |
2 h 45 min
Duration back |
2 h 40 min
Technical requirements |
Physical requirements |
Season |
All year
Theme |
Along Water
More information | https://www.schweizmobil.ch/en/wanderland/etappe84... |
Quick Facts
Route number