Great St. Bernard Pass and its dogs
The Alpine pass and the legendary Great St. Bernard Hospice symbolise the hospitality shown by the monks to travellers over the centuries. Barry, the large and good-natured St. Bernard dog, is famous for saving the lives of lost mountaineers – this four-legged hero has always been bred here.
The Saint Bernard dog lives at the hospice on Great Saint Bernhard, a shelter founded in the Middle Ages, led by Augustinian monks. The hospitality of the monks is legendary. The Saint Bernard dog has been bred on this Alpine pass by the monks, first with the attribute of being able to carry loads, later also as an avalanche search dog. The most renowned and legendary of these dogs, Barry, is supposed to have saved the lives of over 40 people.
Today the main breeding location of the Saint Bernard dog is no longer at the hospice. However, the animals can be viewed all summer long on the Great Saint Bernhard. Hiking with the St. Bernards is sure to be an unforgettable highlight. The dog museum in Martigny, Fondation Barry, showcases stories about Saint Bernard dogs.
The St. Bernard dog museum in Martigny, known as the Fondation Barry, showcases stories about these famous dogs.
General information
Time required |
2 to 4 hours (half day)
Suitable for children with age |
0 to 5 years, 6 to 9 years, 10 to 13 years, 14+ years
Suitable for |
Groups, Individual, Couples
Weather |
Category |
Culture, Education, Nature
Discover the surroundings
Pays du St-Bernard
Route de la Gare 34
Case postale 92
+41 (0)27 775 23 81
Show Route