Barry – The legendary St Bernard Dog Barry, the most famous rescue dog in the world, died 200 years ago but remains a legend to this day. Find out more about: + Barry – The legendary St Bernard Dog
Noblesse Oblige! Life at a Château in the 18th Century The permanent exhibition is an immersive museum experience enabling visitors to share in the day-to-day life of a noble family in the Vaud region during the Enlightenment. Find out more about: + Noblesse Oblige! Life at a Château in the 18th Century
Beromünster-Radioweg: 3 Hörgeschichten unter freiem Himmel Open-Air-Installation mit 7 Hörstationen, offen 365 Tage, 24 Std., Eintritt frei, Feuerstellen am Weg Find out more about: + Beromünster-Radioweg: 3 Hörgeschichten unter freiem Himmel
Bewahre! Was Menschen sammeln Private collectors from the region show their treasures and museum curators provide unexpected insights into the museum's collections. Find out more about: + Bewahre! Was Menschen sammeln
Berge versetzen: Landschaften in der Sammlung Find out more about: + Berge versetzen: Landschaften in der Sammlung
Wunderkammer - The Display Collection A walk through the new display collection provides insight into current collection activity, modern research methods, and historical collections. Find out more about: + Wunderkammer - The Display Collection
What is Switzerland? The oldest democracy in the world, a major financial center and perpetual armed neutrality: is this Switzerland or is it just a series of clichés? Find out more about: + What is Switzerland?
Waldeslust – Bäume und Wald in Bildern und Skulpturen. Sammlung Würth In wechselnden künstlerischen Positionen wird Einblick in die Faszination und Bedeutung des Waldes und der Bäume für den Menschen und die Bildende Kunst gegeben. Find out more about: + Waldeslust – Bäume und Wald in Bildern und Skulpturen. Sammlung Würth
Water, clouds, wind Elemental and weather phenomena in works from the Würth Collection. Find out more about: + Water, clouds, wind
Water: Designing for the future The exhibition Water shows design concepts from across the globe that have the potential to radically reshape our future. Find out more about: + Water: Designing for the future
Wildes Baselbiet. Tieren und Pflanzen auf der Spur It blooms, grows, crawls and flies. And we humans are right in the middle of it. Nature is everywhere, be it on the breakdown lane or in the dead wood - life often seeks surprising paths. Find out more about: + Wildes Baselbiet. Tieren und Pflanzen auf der Spur
The winter wonderland of Christmas magic Numerous food stands and cozy moments Find out more about: + The winter wonderland of Christmas magic
Décors. Masterpieces from the Collections An item of furniture, a decorative object, a wall covering, a lamp: all of them speak volumes about our way of life, our tastes, our values and our occupations. Find out more about: + Décors. Masterpieces from the Collections
Crib at Corippo A group of volunteers originally from Corippo, following a long tradition, set up a beautiful nativity scene in the Blessed Virgin of Carmel Church. Find out more about: + Crib at Corippo
Eva Wipf: Seismograph in night and light The daughter of a missionary couple translated the fractures and abysses of the post-war period into object assemblages that are still moving today. Find out more about: + Eva Wipf: Seismograph in night and light
Daido Moriyama. A retrospective Photo Elysée presents a comprehensive exhibition dedicated to one of Japan's most famous photographers. Find out more about: + Daido Moriyama. A retrospective
19th Century The galleries on the Hauptbau's first floor facing St. Alban-Graben are the domain of the long nineteenth century. Find out more about: + 19th Century
Luigi Ghirri – Viaggi Photographs 1970 – 1991 Just over thirty years after his premature death, MASI Lugano is dedicating a major new exhibition to the Italian photographer Luigi Ghirri (Scandiano, 1943 – Reggio Emilia, 1992). Find out more about: + Luigi Ghirri – Viaggi Photographs 1970 – 1991
Luigi Ghirri. Viaggi. Photographs 1970 - 1991 Just over 30 years after his untimely death, MASI Lugano is commemorating the Italian photographer Luigi Ghirri (Scandiano, 1943 - Reggio Emilia, 1992) in a new exhibition. Find out more about: + Luigi Ghirri. Viaggi. Photographs 1970 - 1991
World Press Photo 2024 Die weltweit besten Pressefotografien des letzten Jahres. Find out more about: + World Press Photo 2024
Bewahrte Schätze - Einblicke in die Keramiksammlung der Stiftung Schloss Thun This special exhibition presents the history of Heimberg/Steffisburg ceramics through selected ceramics. Find out more about: + Bewahrte Schätze - Einblicke in die Keramiksammlung der Stiftung Schloss Thun
25th Swiss Art Supermarket The 25th Art Supermarket in Solothurn is showing 7000 original works at prices ranging from 99 to 599 francs. The variety of styles and techniques on display is overwhelming and the quality is outstanding. Find out more about: + 25th Swiss Art Supermarket
Egypt: 3000 years of advanced civilization on the Nile Immerse yourself in the Egypt of yesteryear and experience ancient Egyptian culture with all your senses. Find out more about: + Egypt: 3000 years of advanced civilization on the Nile
Parole Which works to buy and why? The collections reflect the choices made by the scientific team. Discover the choices made by the Ariana Museum team in recent years. Find out more about: + Parole
Lighten Up! Im Rhythmus von Tag und Nacht Die Ausstellung erkundet gemeinsam mit Design- und Kunstschaffenden sowie Architekten die Verbindung zwischen lebenden Organismen und dem zirkadianen (circa diem = ungefähr ein Tag) Rhythmus. Find out more about: + Lighten Up! Im Rhythmus von Tag und Nacht
Cantonale Berne Jura 2024 Originating from the tradition of regional Christmas exhibitions, the Cantonale Berne Jura makes an important contribution to regional and national art promotion. Find out more about: + Cantonale Berne Jura 2024
Cantonale Berne Jura Die jährliche Schau mit Kunst aus den Kantonen Bern und Jura zeigt eine Fülle an künstlerischen Positionen. Find out more about: + Cantonale Berne Jura
Cantonale Berne Jura 2024 From December 2024 to January 2025, the Cantonale Berne Jura will showcase refreshing, uncompromising, magnificent, ingeniously simple and exhilaratingly complex works by artists from the cantons of Find out more about: + Cantonale Berne Jura 2024
Origin Switzerland The exhibition "Origin of Switzerland. On the Way from the 12th to the 14th Century" shows the conditions under which the old Swiss Confederation came into being in the Middle Ages. Find out more about: + Origin Switzerland
Étienne Francey Inspired by the natural world, Étienne Francey uses a variety of photographic devices to distort, color and refract the subjects he captures. Find out more about: + Étienne Francey
Christmas exhibition - Navidad en Perú KrippenWelt as a guest at Murikultur Find out more about: + Christmas exhibition - Navidad en Perú
Die Schweiz zwischen Geschichte und Mythos Rütlischwur, Wilhelm Tell, Bundesbrief und Eidgenossen: im Bundesbriefmuseum wird erzählt, was an diesen Geschichten den Tatsachen entspricht und was ein Mythos ist. Find out more about: + Die Schweiz zwischen Geschichte und Mythos
Discovering the Enlightenment Accessible free of charge and at all times, this cultural walk around the site locates the château in the context of the estate, telling its story in the places where it happened. Find out more about: + Discovering the Enlightenment