All hikes in Rheinfelden

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  • Fricktaler Höhenweg

    Fricktaler Höhenweg is 60 kilometres long. Thanks to its excellent country and forest paths and the relatively low elevation gain, it’s also suitable for less experienced hikers. Hiking on the Fricktaler Höhenweg is particularly attractive in spring, when the region’s countless cherry trees are in full blossom.
    Find out more about: + Fricktaler Höhenweg
  • ViaRhenana, Stage 10/10

    The trail follows the high banks of the Rhein river, which here are strongly influenced by the industrial and traffic infrastructure of Basel's catchment area. The ruins of Augusta Raurica, the Rhine harbour, river power stations and Basel's city-silhouette are outstanding.
    Find out more about: + ViaRhenana, Stage 10/10