Egypt: 3000 years of advanced civilization on the Nile Immerse yourself in the Egypt of yesteryear and experience ancient Egyptian culture with all your senses. Find out more about: + Egypt: 3000 years of advanced civilization on the Nile
Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Schriftsteller und Maler Die Dauerausstellung ist dem umfangreichen und vielseitigen Bildwerk von Friedrich Dürrenmatt im Zusammenhang mit dem literarischen Werk gewidmet. Find out more about: + Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Schriftsteller und Maler
Freiheit! Anlässlich des Jubiläums 750 Jahre Handfeste von 1273 hat das Museum gemeinsam mit Burgdorfer Chören und Bands eine neue Ausstellung entwickelt. Find out more about: + Freiheit!
From Davos to Obino. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and the artists of the Rot-Blau group The exhibition presents the work of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880-1938) and highlights, in particular, the influence he had on the generation of young Swiss artists who were developing their painting Find out more about: + From Davos to Obino. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and the artists of the Rot-Blau group
From glacial retreat to the present The permanent exhibition of the archeological and history collections is presented in two rooms, the Troyon room (prehistory) and the Naef room (history). Free admission. Find out more about: + From glacial retreat to the present
Friedrich Dürrenmatt - Imaginaires atomiques Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Vanessa Billy, Christine Boillat, Miriam Cahn, Alain Huck, Gilles Rotzetter Find out more about: + Friedrich Dürrenmatt - Imaginaires atomiques
Louisiana Visits Franz Gertsch. Post-War and Contemporary Art Exhibition with top works from the collection of the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art and other lenders. Find out more about: + Louisiana Visits Franz Gertsch. Post-War and Contemporary Art
Parole Which works to buy and why? The collections reflect the choices made by the scientific team. Discover the choices made by the Ariana Museum team in recent years. Find out more about: + Parole
Ferdinand Springer: Gesture and spirit Following an exceptional donation, the exhibition highlights the work of painter-engraver Ferdinand Springer (1907-1998). Schedules : 11 am - 6 pm Find out more about: + Ferdinand Springer: Gesture and spirit
Faire don, une affaire de cœur ou de raison? Qui se cache derrière les œuvres? Découvrez les histoires des donateurs et donatrices. Find out more about: + Faire don, une affaire de cœur ou de raison?
Fadenspiele / String Figures They tell stories, they are a pastime, they make the unspeakable visible, they connect people. Find out more about: + Fadenspiele / String Figures
Fascination archaeology The permanent exhibition in the archaeological department. Find out more about: + Fascination archaeology
Faszinierende Welt der Kristalle im Sauriermuseum Aathal «Kristallmuseum H.J. Siber» - Die Privatsammlung von Hans Jakob Siber Find out more about: + Faszinierende Welt der Kristalle im Sauriermuseum Aathal
The main thing is healthy. An exhibition with side effects An interactive course, mood-enhancing, without prescription and without referral. Find out more about: + The main thing is healthy. An exhibition with side effects
What is Switzerland? The oldest democracy in the world, a major financial center and perpetual armed neutrality: is this Switzerland or is it just a series of clichés? Find out more about: + What is Switzerland?
History of Switzerland The 1,000-m2 Swiss history exhibition depicts how Switzerland came to be over a period of 550 years. Find out more about: + History of Switzerland
Waldeslust – Bäume und Wald in Bildern und Skulpturen. Sammlung Würth In wechselnden künstlerischen Positionen wird Einblick in die Faszination und Bedeutung des Waldes und der Bäume für den Menschen und die Bildende Kunst gegeben. Find out more about: + Waldeslust – Bäume und Wald in Bildern und Skulpturen. Sammlung Würth
Water, clouds, wind Elemental and weather phenomena in works from the Würth Collection. Find out more about: + Water, clouds, wind
Water: Designing for the future The exhibition Water shows design concepts from across the globe that have the potential to radically reshape our future. Find out more about: + Water: Designing for the future
Lee Shulman. The Anonymous Project, Home & Away “Home & Away” ist eine fotografische Installation, die aus der Sammlung des “The Anonymous Project” zusammengestellt wurde. Find out more about: + Lee Shulman. The Anonymous Project, Home & Away
Lighten Up! Im Rhythmus von Tag und Nacht Die Ausstellung erkundet gemeinsam mit Design- und Kunstschaffenden sowie Architekten die Verbindung zwischen lebenden Organismen und dem zirkadianen (circa diem = ungefähr ein Tag) Rhythmus. Find out more about: + Lighten Up! Im Rhythmus von Tag und Nacht
Petite nature ? - Musée du Léman New permanent exhibition “Petite nature“ and presentation of an exceptional stained glass window at the Musée du Léman. Find out more about: + Petite nature ? - Musée du Léman
Panorama of Swiss history: From the Helvetii to the present This ‘Panorama of Swiss history’ is very much in phase with the renewal of interest in the past reported by quite a number of recent publications. Find out more about: + Panorama of Swiss history: From the Helvetii to the present
Le cheval des Franches-Montagnes Une exposition didactique et interactive consacrée au cheval Franches-Montagnes Find out more about: + Le cheval des Franches-Montagnes
Let the Journey Begin! A Fun Exhibition for Families Château de Prangins presents a major first: a new role-playing exhibition for families Find out more about: + Let the Journey Begin! A Fun Exhibition for Families
Lettland und seine Volkstracht 14 Trachten, welche sowohl zeitlich, als auch regional wie kulturell die Vielfalt der lettischen Kultur abbilden. Find out more about: + Lettland und seine Volkstracht
La roue = c'est tout. Neue Sammlungspräsentation The growing collection of works by the artist Tinguely will be comprehensively exhibited again in the large hall for the first time since its founding. Find out more about: + La roue = c'est tout. Neue Sammlungspräsentation
Shrines of Europe Foto-Ausstellung in Einsiedeln Die Ausstellung stellt rund 30 Motive aus den «Shrines of Europe»-Städten aus. Vom Marienheiligtum über Devotionalien bis hin zu Architektur. Find out more about: + Shrines of Europe Foto-Ausstellung in Einsiedeln
Swiss Press Photo 24 Die besten Schweizer Pressebilder des vergangenen Jahres. Find out more about: + Swiss Press Photo 24
Skulpturenausstellung Holz / Beton Skulpturen aus Holz / Beton schlicht, farbig, abstrakt Find out more about: + Skulpturenausstellung Holz / Beton
World Press Photo 2024 Die weltweit besten Pressefotografien des letzten Jahres. Find out more about: + World Press Photo 2024