Eva Aeppli im Dialog. Peter Aerschmann, Nici Jost, Augustin Rebetez, Ana Vujić Ausstellung zum 100. Geburtstag und 10-jährigen Todestag von Eva Aeppli mit Werken von Peter Aerschmann, Nici Jost, Augustin Rebetez und Ana Vujić Find out more about: + Eva Aeppli im Dialog. Peter Aerschmann, Nici Jost, Augustin Rebetez, Ana Vujić
Seife, Sex & Schokolade – Vom Umgang mit den Körpersäften How we smell, what we excrete and how we groom ourselves is something very intimate, personal. Fragrance decides about sympathy and antipathy. Find out more about: + Seife, Sex & Schokolade – Vom Umgang mit den Körpersäften
The main thing is healthy. An exhibition with side effects An interactive course, mood-enhancing, without prescription and without referral. Find out more about: + The main thing is healthy. An exhibition with side effects
Berge versetzen: Landschaften in der Sammlung Find out more about: + Berge versetzen: Landschaften in der Sammlung
"tick tack - the countdown of life" An exhibition of the Natural History Museum Freiburg Find out more about: + "tick tack - the countdown of life"
Von Söldnern, Geld und Macht Wiederaufnahme der Ausstellung. Aus der Familiengeschichte des Abtes Zurlauben. Find out more about: + Von Söldnern, Geld und Macht
AMA Aargauer Messe Aarau Die grösste Publikumsmesse im Kanton Aargau Find out more about: + AMA Aargauer Messe Aarau
Weinmesse Mittelland 2025 Vom 11. bis 13. April 2025 findet zum neunten Mal im stilvollen Ambiente des Stadttheater Olten die Weinmesse Mittelland statt. Find out more about: + Weinmesse Mittelland 2025
Easter in the House of Museums With chicks, workshops and the "Egg hunt in the museum" competition. Find out more about: + Easter in the House of Museums
Amnesty International Easter egg market Easter egg market with painted eggs from regional artists, stand by the Red Tower. All proceeds for the benefit of Amnesty International Find out more about: + Amnesty International Easter egg market
Easter market and funfare Bremgarten The Easter Market in Bremgarten has taken place for nearly 800 years. With more than 400 stalls to browse , an interesting visit is guaranteed. Find out more about: + Easter market and funfare Bremgarten
Slow-up Solothurn-Buechibärg 2025 autofreier Erlebnistag Find out more about: + Slow-up Solothurn-Buechibärg 2025
NOF4 collective An unconventional exhibition that shows new perspectives on art and curating and provides inspiration. Find out more about: + NOF4 collective
Ishita Chakraborty Ihre Arbeit umfasst eine Vielzahl von Medien, von Installationen über Wandmalereien bis hin zu Sound und Poesie. Find out more about: + Ishita Chakraborty
46th Solothurn Literature Days The largest multilingual literature festival in Switzerland. Find out more about: + 46th Solothurn Literature Days
Sammlung 25 II You can discover works by Marcia Hafif, Verena Loewensberg, Adrian Schiess, Jerry Zeniuk and many more. Find out more about: + Sammlung 25 II
Pia Fries, Barbara Müller Pia Fries' lush application of color as gesture and material and Barbara Müller's profound coloring and the unobtrusive size of her forms are all convincing in their painterly consistency. Find out more about: + Pia Fries, Barbara Müller
Olten Chilbi The Olten Chilbi is the third largest of its kind in Switzerland. Find out more about: + Olten Chilbi
Wigs and powder, perfume and parasites Madame de Coin leads all participants through the most beautiful baroque city and tells about her life: About theater, music, dance, fashion, hygiene and the splendid life at the Ambassadors Court. Find out more about: + Wigs and powder, perfume and parasites
8. Streetfood Festival Solothurn 8th Streetfood Festival Solothurn Food stalls & street musicians from all over the world! Admission to the 8th Streetfood Festival Solothurn is free. Friday - Sunday, August 30 to September 1, 2024 Find out more about: + 8. Streetfood Festival Solothurn
Solothurner Musiktage 2025 Die siebte Ausgabe der Solothurner Musiktage findet am 5. und 6. September 2025 statt. Find out more about: + Solothurner Musiktage 2025
Bachfischet Der Bachfischet ist der älteste heute noch gelebte Brauch der Schweiz. Find out more about: + Bachfischet
Auswahl 25 The exhibition provides a comprehensive insight into current art in the region. Find out more about: + Auswahl 25
Aarauer Chlausauszug Am Freitag, 5. Dezember lädt Aarau Standortförderung ein, den Umzug der Chläuse und seinen Gehilfen durch die Aarauer Gassen zu begleiten, um gemeinsam die Weihnachtszeit einzuläuten. Find out more about: + Aarauer Chlausauszug
Grenzüberschreitender Fasnachtsumzug Rhyfälde CH - Rheinfelden/Baden Am Umzug erleben wir lang gelebte Traditionen und neuere dargestellte Geschichten in farbenprächtigen Kostümen und liebevoll gestalteten Sujet. Find out more about: + Grenzüberschreitender Fasnachtsumzug Rhyfälde CH - Rheinfelden/Baden
Stadtfest Solothurn The next Solothurn City Festival will take place from June 26 - 28, 2026. Find out more about: + Stadtfest Solothurn