All hikes in Lucerne – Lake Lucerne

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108 Results found
  • Wildheupfad

    Rambling through airy fir forests, walking over magic carpets of wild flowers and experiencing ancient haymaking and Alpine traditions at the same time? The wild-haymaking trail on the Rophaien near Flüelen overlooking the emerald green Lake Uri is an ideal hiking destination.
    Find out more about: + Wildheupfad
  • Weg der Schweiz

    The Swiss Path leads to historic sites pertaining to the Swiss Confederation. The path is divided into stages that are partially wheelchair-accessible, and can be reached by ship or by train. Overnight stays are possible at the end of some of the trails.
    Find out more about: + Weg der Schweiz
  • Gratweg Stoos

    The two Mythen peaks to the right; to the left, first the Riemenstalden valley, then Lake Uri – a succession of sweeping vistas! Chairlift ascent to the Klingenstock and scenic hike to Fronalpstock with panoramic ridge views as well as extensive views from the mountain house. Valley descent to Stoos again via chairlift.
    Find out more about: + Gratweg Stoos
  • Felsenweg Bürgenstock

    Mount Bürgenstock is more than a mountain – it’s a legend. Its cliff path, built between 1900 and 1905, is also legendary. Both the path and the spectacular Hammetschwand Elevator lead you up to Hammetschwand, the highest point of the city of Lucerne.
    Find out more about: + Felsenweg Bürgenstock
  • Alpine Panorama Trail, Stage 10/29

    A delightfully scenic stage in the heart of the Zug region. Over upland moors, past countless cherry trees (Zuger kirsch cake!), the vantage point at the Brunegg Alp restaurant and the pretty St. Verena Chapel, to the town of Zug.
    Find out more about: + Alpine Panorama Trail, Stage 10/29
  • Senda Sursilvana, Stage 1/5

    A section that particularly delights flora lovers. But those with an interest in geology will constantly look up towards summits known to hold mountain crystal. The interesting composition of the route makes this section a “kings stage”.
    Find out more about: + Senda Sursilvana, Stage 1/5
  • Obwaldner Höhenweg, Stage 3/6

    The popular hike from Schönbüel-Brünigpass stimulates all the senses and is not short of sensational views. Spectacular ring-side seat: the Gibel, with views down to Brienzersee and Thunersee. Ridge hike to Wilerhorn, rewarding summit ascent.
    Find out more about: + Obwaldner Höhenweg, Stage 3/6
  • Nidwaldner Höhenweg

    The Nidwaldner Höhenweg offers varied hiking on mountain trails with grandiose views. Two monastery villages invite you to visit. The many mountain cableway connections make it possible to split the five-day hike.
    Find out more about: + Nidwaldner Höhenweg
  • ViaUrschweiz, Stage 2/2

    The Alpine mountain trail from Gitschenen to Klewenalp provides a striking experience of nature with its flowers, wild animals and unique pond landscape. At the highest point, the Hinterjochli, the view extends far into the Swiss Mittelland.
    Find out more about: + ViaUrschweiz, Stage 2/2
  • Nidwaldner Höhenweg, Stage 3/6

    Past four wonderful mountain lakes and over the Jochpass to the monastery village of Engelberg. The nearby imposing mountain world of the Hochstollen, Glogghuis and Titlis bids you welcome. The long descent to Engelberg can be shortened with the aerial cableway.
    Find out more about: + Nidwaldner Höhenweg, Stage 3/6
  • Schwyzer Höhenweg, Stage 1/5

    The Seebodenalp is one of the most beautiful vantage terraces in the Swiss Alpine foothills. It can be enjoyed at leisure, because it’s close to the Rigi Staffel. From Staffel to Kulm you can enjoy the company of rail travellers.
    Find out more about: + Schwyzer Höhenweg, Stage 1/5
  • ViaGottardo, Stage 10/20

    From Andermatt the hike continues to Hospental, a typical mountain-pass village with refuge shelters, a customs post and guest houses. The route then leads along part of the cobbled post coach road dating from 1830 and the old pack-animal trail up to the pass to the Hospiz (hostel).
    Find out more about: + ViaGottardo, Stage 10/20
  • Nidwaldner Höhenweg, Stage 4/6

    After the ascent to Brunnihütte at 1860 m you hike on the famous Walenweg path with the magnificent Walegg vantage point and superb views of the Central Alps. In the 1930s, the Bannalpsee lake was the source of a fierce dispute over the energy supply.
    Find out more about: + Nidwaldner Höhenweg, Stage 4/6
  • Pragelpass-Weg

    The Pragelpass lives from its eventful history, but also from its beauty between the two different worlds of the cantons Schwyz and Glarus. A tranquil hike with the Schwammhöchi as an atmospheric finale.
    Find out more about: + Pragelpass-Weg
  • Waldstätterweg, Stage 2/7

    Via ladders on the Riviera - past orchards to Oberwilen and via the narrow molasse folds with ladders that at one time afforded the only overland link to Weggis. Through the Chestenenweid nature reserve via Weggis, Hertenstein and the Haldihof fruit farm to Küssnacht.
    Find out more about: + Waldstätterweg, Stage 2/7
  • ViaGottardo, Stage 11/20

    From the pass with its old refuge, the Hospiz, and Totenkappelle (Cemetery Chapel), the section leads to the world-famous Tremolastrasse, which climbs an impressive 340 metres around 24 bends. Once you reach Airolo, the obere Leventina valley awaits with further discoveries.
    Find out more about: + ViaGottardo, Stage 11/20
  • Trans Swiss Trail, Stage 17/32

    From the Sarnersee lakeside path steeply up to the Flüeli-Ranft pilgrimage site, where eremite Niklaus von Flüe retreated into a gorge, to live as a cleric, visionary, warning voice and counsellor. His birthplace is one of Switzerland’s oldest wooden dwellings.
    Find out more about: + Trans Swiss Trail, Stage 17/32
  • Wichelsee-Weg

    The section from Sarnen to Alpnach is particularly attractive thanks to its enchanting nature reserve on the Wichelsee lake. Simply a must-see, from the wide variety of waterfowl and plants to the massive rock faces on the other side of the lake.
    Find out more about: + Wichelsee-Weg
  • Schwyzer Höhenweg, Stage 4/5

    After a demanding climb, the Hochstuckli is worth a detour. Panoramic views of the Mythen and Canton Schwyz. Then a gentle descent to Haggenegg, where the Schwyzer Höhenweg (high-level trail) and the Jakobsweg (Route of St. James) cross paths.
    Find out more about: + Schwyzer Höhenweg, Stage 4/5
  • Via Alpina, Stage 6/20

    The trail goes up from the picturesque Urnerboden to the Klausen Pass, which is famous for its classic car races. Over different little alps and various villages, the trail passes through the Schächental valley and then onwards to Altdorf.
    Find out more about: + Via Alpina, Stage 6/20
  • Weg der Schweiz, Stage 1/4

    A short but perspiration-producing stage. Interesting departure and destination points and thought-provoking engravings on stones along the way, transforming the steep climb into a path of contemplation.
    Find out more about: + Weg der Schweiz, Stage 1/4
  • Kapellenweg Engelbergertal

    This route will take you from Wolfenschiessen around and on top of the mount Wellenberg. The main characetistics of this trail is to see eight wonderful chapels and to be rewarded by the wonderful view of the Engelberg Valley.
    Find out more about: + Kapellenweg Engelbergertal
  • Wildbeobachtungspfad Emmetten

    Discover the courtship rituals of black cocks, and with some luck and a sharp eye, observe mountain wildlife on the steep slopes. Equipped with binoculars and a backpack, you'll follow a ranger who knows exactly where the wild things are in the Niederbauen region.
    Find out more about: + Wildbeobachtungspfad Emmetten
  • Waldstätterweg, Stage 7/7

    Through the refreshingly cool gorge on the Urnersee lake - along the lakeshore road to Risleten and a climb through the attractive Risletenschlucht gorge. Crossing of the Stützberg along the historic path to Volligen and arrival in Rütli, with views down to the Urnersee lake.
    Find out more about: + Waldstätterweg, Stage 7/7
  • Trans Swiss Trail, Stage 21/32

    Mule track, main road, Gotthard Railway, motorway, NEAT building site... by the latest in Erstfelden, the Urnertal seems like a transit corridor. Silenen, Amsteg: of symbolic note on the old mule track. Good views of Wassen’s hilltop church and the helical tunnel.
    Find out more about: + Trans Swiss Trail, Stage 21/32
  • Höhenweg Schächental

    The mountain pass area of the Klausen is without doubt one of the most beautiful in Switzerland. The high-altitude track lpasses through fantastic landscapes, majestic mountains and unique flora and fauna.
    Find out more about: + Höhenweg Schächental
  • ViaGottardo, Stage 7/20

    Before the opening of the Axenstrasse road in 1865, the main route was by lake. The trip by steamship still remains an exceptional experience. From the jetty at Flüelen, you hike into the cantonal capital of Altdorf.
    Find out more about: + ViaGottardo, Stage 7/20
  • Ybriger 7-Egg-Weg

    The route features seven distinctive peaks in Central Switzerland, a ridgeway with impressive views of the Alps, lakes and valleys. It can be varied according to capability and time.
    Find out more about: + Ybriger 7-Egg-Weg
  • Engelberger Rundweg

    Engelberg – a well-known and popular excursion destination. This round tour leads from the impressive monastery to the picturesque River Aa and constantly affords wonderful views of idyllic rural landscapes and the spectacular mountain panorama.
    Find out more about: + Engelberger Rundweg
  • Rigi Scheidegg-Weg

    This impressive tour features countless highlights, ranging from the «former Republic» of Gersau at the lake, the ascent to mountain pastures and the typical Rigi landscape on Rigi Scheidegg, with a magnificent panoramic view of the Alps and the midland.
    Find out more about: + Rigi Scheidegg-Weg
  • Waldstätterweg, Stage 6/7

    Via the north wall to the other shore and the Bürgenstock cliff path, which as an Alpine promenade, afforded well-heeled ladies and gentlemen a view back to the city of Lucerne. Past the pilgrimage site of St Jost along the shore at Ennetburgen, Buochs and Beckenried.
    Find out more about: + Waldstätterweg, Stage 6/7
  • Luzerner Kapellenweg

    This trail leads past 17 churches and chapels. These witnesses of the past are strung along the ancient Lucerne - Aarburg route. The openness and breadth of the hilly landscape of Canton Lucerne with Mts. Pilatus, Napf and Menzberg radiates welcome.
    Find out more about: + Luzerner Kapellenweg
  • Ibex treks

    The two-day Ibex Trek in the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch takes participants through rugged landscape to the animals who have truly mastered life at high altitude – the Ibex.
    Find out more about: + Ibex treks
  • ViaJacobi, Stage 33/33

    The hike from Siebnen to St. Meinrad is uphill. But efforts are rewarded and not only with views of the Obersee. The St. Meinrad Chapel and Inn both make an impression with their long history and stunning location on the Etzelpass.
    Find out more about: + ViaJacobi, Stage 33/33