All hikes in Eastern Switzerland / Liechtenstein

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117 Results found
  • Klettgau-Rhein-Weg

    From the Hallau wine region, the route leads through the extensive forests of the Randen hill chain, over the old high-level trail to Schaffhausen. On the way: superb views from towers on the Randen and from the elevated villages of Büttenhardt and Lohn.
    Find out more about: + Klettgau-Rhein-Weg
  • Nesslauer Rundweg

    This round tour starts in Nesslau, a small municipality set in superb landscape. It offers the ultimate in relaxation. The major attraction, the River Thur surrounded by lush and rugged terrain, is a must for all nature lovers.
    Find out more about: + Nesslauer Rundweg
  • Lauras Lieblingsplätze

    My name is Laura, goat Laura from Gais. I am delighted to be able to show you my favourite places in our wonderful countryside. So it's absolutely correct that it's called «Gais Naturally Made».
    Find out more about: + Lauras Lieblingsplätze
  • Kärpfbrugg-Rundweg

    This scenic walk through Freiberg Kärpf, Europe's oldest wildlife reserve, leads across the 50 meter wide Kärpf bridge and along the Garichti lake back to Mettmen.
    Find out more about: + Kärpfbrugg-Rundweg
  • ViaRhenana

    The route via the Untersee lake and Hochrhein river was for centuries Switzerland's most important waterway. Today, it follows the ViaRhenana from Kreuzlingen via Schaffhausen to Basel, through a varied landscape shaped by water.
    Find out more about: + ViaRhenana
  • Bodensee-Uferweg

    The route from Kreuzlingen along the shores of the Bodensee to Romanshorn gives you a true holiday feeling. The entire stretch affords imposing views of and around the international fresh-water lake - the purest of natural experiences.
    Find out more about: + Bodensee-Uferweg
  • Thur-Uferweg

    This part of the Thurweg, which starts at Weinfelden, leads you through emerald-green forests alongside the River Thur. Finally you reach Kradolf, a sleepy little village with vibrant nature.
    Find out more about: + Thur-Uferweg
  • Reiatweg

    Switzerland’s northern-most round hike leads through 4 villages of the Thayngen community in canton Schaffhausen. Grill place, restaurants & swimming promise an enjoyable round hike.
    Find out more about: + Reiatweg
  • Rheintaler Höhenweg, Stage 6/6

    The Malbun mountain guest house affords superb views to Liechtenstein and the Drei Schwestern massif. Varied, high plateau used for farming, with Kaiserliloch reservoir. Sargans Castle with Folk Museum and exhibition on ore mining.
    Find out more about: + Rheintaler Höhenweg, Stage 6/6
  • Thurgauer Panoramaweg

    The Thurgauer Panoramaweg leads past orchards and nature reserves, visits a moated castle, passes through classic farming villages and well-preserved old towns as well as over the highest mountain in Thurgau, with views of the Bodensee and Alps.
    Find out more about: + Thurgauer Panoramaweg
  • Liechtensteiner Panoramaweg

    Classic high-level trail with ridge hike and panoramic-experience summits, leads from Malbun via the Augstenberg to Liechtenstein's characteristic Drei Schwestern massif; wild, little touched, with views across the Rhine Valley and Voralberg to the Bodensee.
    Find out more about: + Liechtensteiner Panoramaweg
  • Fürstin-Gina-Weg Malbun

    In 1989 the government of the Principality of Liechtenstein declared the entire Alp region of their country, except for the grazing areas, an integral plant conservation area. From Malbun along the Fürstin Gina Path one can experience how diverse and exotic the alpine flora is. And not only that, but the most beautiful views await you from places such as the peak of the Augstenberg (2222m).
    Find out more about: + Fürstin-Gina-Weg Malbun
  • Murgseen Rundweg

    Embedded in a romantic wild mountain basin lie the three Murg lakes. Brooks, lakes, waterfalls, peat meadows, rockeries and the protected Swiss pine forest reserve by the lowest of the Murg lakes make this round trip an unforgettable nature experience.
    Find out more about: + Murgseen Rundweg
  • 5-Seen-Wanderung Pizol

    5 crystal clear mountain lakes and spectacular views of the Alps of Eastern Switzerland are the highlights of the mountain walk from the Pizolhütte to Gaffia. The 5-lake walk on the Pizol is one of the real classics among mountain walks.
    Find out more about: + 5-Seen-Wanderung Pizol
  • Alpine Panorama Trail

    The Alpine Panorama Trail from Bodensee to Lac Léman promises many views of Alpine peaks as well as of the Mittelland and Jura. The route leads through the traditional agricultural landscape of the Alpine foothills, still dominated by milk and cheese production.
    Find out more about: + Alpine Panorama Trail
  • Quinten Seeweg

    The ramble from Walenstadt to Quinten beneath the mighty Churfisten mountains commands magnificent views of the Walensee. As the route follows the southern slopes, it is also very popular during the colder seasons.
    Find out more about: + Quinten Seeweg
  • Thurweg

    The route follows the Thur to its source on Mount Säntis, through the varied Toggenburg landscape, to the plains of the Thur Valley and the Zurich wine-growing region, where the Thur flows into the Rhine.
    Find out more about: + Thurweg
  • Via Alpina, Stage 3/20

    The eight-hour hike from Weisstannen in St. Gallen to Elm, in the canton of Glarus, offers you magnificent views of the UNESCO World Heritage Site and Tectonic Arena of Sardona.
    Find out more about: + Via Alpina, Stage 3/20
  • Thurgauer Tannzapfenweg

    This hike is representative of the hiking paradise in the Fischingen region. A steady ascent in shady woods leads upwards to splendid, far-reaching views. Conglomerate rock gorges in the Alpine foothills alternate with gentle hilly landscapes.
    Find out more about: + Thurgauer Tannzapfenweg
  • Liechtensteiner Panoramaweg, Stage 1/3

    From Malbun on the mountain trail dedicated to Liechtenstein’s Princess Gina, over the Augstenberg with its superb views to the Pfälzer hut, then northwards, at the foot of the Rappastein, direction Sücka.
    Find out more about: + Liechtensteiner Panoramaweg, Stage 1/3
  • Alpine Panorama Trail, Stage 5/29

    Splendid hike to Lutertannen and over the Risipass vantage point to Stein in Toggenburg. Meadows and Alpine pastures, near-to-nature low-moor marshes and coniferous forests alternate in colourful sequence.
    Find out more about: + Alpine Panorama Trail, Stage 5/29
  • ViaJacobi, Stage 22/33

    The Jakobskirche (St. James’ Church) in Märstetten was first mentioned in 1155 and has a depiction of Judgement Day. Wonderful views above Bollsteg to the Affeltrangen and Tobel areas with Hörnli in the distance.
    Find out more about: + ViaJacobi, Stage 22/33
  • Eschnerberg-Höhenweg

    The historical path from Bendern to Schellenberg takes you past the cradle of Liechtenstein and climbs easily up to the prehistoric settlement of the Lutzegütle and Malanser.
    Find out more about: + Eschnerberg-Höhenweg
  • Romanshorn-Rundweg

    This hike presents the more mountainous side of the canton of Thurgau. After a steep climb, the trail crosses the narrow Tannegg arête to arrive at the Tannegg ruin, a recommended viewpoint. The trail makes up part of the 200km long Thurgau circular hiking trail.
    Find out more about: + Romanshorn-Rundweg
  • Hike to Berggasthaus Äscher

    Nowhere else in Switzerland is the change from the hilly landscape of Central Switzerland to the craggy Alps so abrupt or impressive as in the Alpstein area. Mighty rock formations up to more than 2,500 metres high tower up as if from nowhere.
    Find out more about: + Hike to Berggasthaus Äscher
  • Via Alpina, Stage 6/20

    The trail goes up from the picturesque Urnerboden to the Klausen Pass, which is famous for its classic car races. Over different little alps and various villages, the trail passes through the Schächental valley and then onwards to Altdorf.
    Find out more about: + Via Alpina, Stage 6/20
  • Nussbüel-Weg

    The circular trail at Braunwald in Glarus offers uninterrupted views of the high-Alpine mountain chain and an exciting nature experience. Deep green forests, austere rock formations and a captivating panorama invite you to linger.
    Find out more about: + Nussbüel-Weg
  • Toggenburger Höhenweg, Stage 4/6

    The surroundings change from mountains to the hilly terrain of mittleren Toggenburg. Passing the Regelstein vantage point and the pass village of Ricken, it leads to Atzmännig and on to the stage destination of Chrüzegg.
    Find out more about: + Toggenburger Höhenweg, Stage 4/6
  • ViaRhenana, Stage 2/10

    Very varied, contoured route via Neuburg, Hochwacht Mammern and the Klingszell pilgrimage church, to Stein am Rhein. En route: picturesque views of the end of the Untersee with the old town of Stein, Insel Werd and Hohenklingen Castle.
    Find out more about: + ViaRhenana, Stage 2/10
  • ViaSuworow, Stage 9/11

    With the French in pursuit, Suvorov's troops marched southwards in snowfall towards Elm. The easy hike leads to Schwanden alongside the river Linth and then partly above, partly along, the river Sernf via Engi and Matt to Elm.
    Find out more about: + ViaSuworow, Stage 9/11
  • Via Alpina

    The Via Alpina crosses 14 of the most beautiful Alpine passes. Straight through six Swiss cantons with a vast variety of culture, geology and topography. Wide roads end in high ridge trails. The route is lined with one of the world’s most diverse variety of flora and fauna.
    Find out more about: + Via Alpina
  • Holzflue-Rundweg

    This hike passes through the Tectonic Arena Sardona world heritage site and offers pristine natural scenery and views into the Linth valley. Parts of this trail are bordered by a grotesque looking former pine forest, which was destroyed by bark beetles.
    Find out more about: + Holzflue-Rundweg
  • Toggenburger Höhenweg, Stage 1/6

    At the start, hikers are accompanied by the tones of the Klangweg (Sound Trail) and the myths of the Sagenweg (Legend Trail). This is followed by inspiring views of the Churfirsten mountains. The stage destination, the Vordere Selunalp is located close to the prehistoric Wildenmannlisloch caves.
    Find out more about: + Toggenburger Höhenweg, Stage 1/6
  • Eschheimertalweg

    This route leads from Schaffhausen up to the Jura heights. From there you follow a circular path into the Eschheimtal valley. The path is, sometimes wooded, sometimes lined by meadows and fields and will gladden the heart of anyone seeking tranquillity and relaxation.
    Find out more about: + Eschheimertalweg