All hikes in Crans-Montana

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3 Results found
  • Walliser Sonnenweg, Stage 1/4

    Pleasant hike from Montana along the Bisse du Tsittoret, past inviting mountain inns into the valley of the Tièche. Then on a sunny slope over Varneralp to Leukerbad, where weary hikers can relax in the warm thermal spa.
    Find out more about: + Walliser Sonnenweg, Stage 1/4
  • Walliser Sonnenweg

    Scenic high-level trail with panoramic views of the Valais Alps and views down into the Rhone Valley. Variety of attractions along the route: thermal spa in Leukerbad, viaducts on the Lötschberg-Südrampe, splashing water channels and the Museum of the Swiss Guard at Naters.
    Find out more about: + Walliser Sonnenweg