Experiences in Aarau

6 Results found

6 Results found

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6 Results found
  • Aarau for the whole family

    Aarau combines history, nature and culture in a number of different ways. The city offers a wide range of family-friendly activities. From historical journeys of discovery to relaxing hours spent on the River Aare or interactive museum visits – there’s plenty to experience here for children and adults alike.
    Find out more about: + Aarau for the whole family
  • The adventures of Perimuk

    The Aargau Jura Park is the home of Perimuk the Jura dinosaur. He’s called that because his outline looks like the perimeter of the Aargau Jura Park (how it appears on a map). He takes families on four different exciting adventures: the Perimuk trails.
    Find out more about: + The adventures of Perimuk
  • Stadtmuseum Aarau

    Aarau is home to a special place of cultural interest consisting of a unique construction from the perspective of technology and industrial history: the Meyerschen Stollen, an underground water collecting system dating from the early 19th century.
    Find out more about: + Stadtmuseum Aarau