Touch. Smell. Taste. Sustainability up close and personal for young and old alike.



Entlebuch is part of the Lucerne-Lake Lucerne region and is easily accessible from Lucerne by public transport. Surrounded by mountains and lakes, it is a paradise for family holidays. What makes this region so unique? The locals preserve their traditions, while at the same time displaying a flair for innovation. It is no coincidence that the UNESCO Biosphere in Entlebuch is a pioneer in sustainability and the largest provider of natural history excursions in Switzerland. Whatever your age, there’s a lot to experience here.

UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch

Switzerland’s first biosphere reserve offers natural beauty at its finest. Almost no other region in Switzerland has as many natural treasures as Lucerne’s “Wild West”.

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Lucerne – Lake Lucerne
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The excursion in search of stags involves an early morning start A tour with a wildlife ranger


A stag party with a difference!

Safari made in Switzerland! Early birds can start the day with a search for wild stags. Wildlife ranger Daniel Schmid and his loyal four-legged friend skilfully guide participants through the forest to the open field. This is your best chance of spotting a couple of bellowing stags. Even if luck is not on your side, you will hear plenty of expert knowledge about the king of the forest. And the outing is always worthwhile thanks to the impressive karst landscape.

The Sundew Trail. Just take your shoes off and away we go!


Experience the moor.

The Sundew Trail, which is part of the Mooraculum adventure park on the Rossweid in Sörenberg, has 17 adventure stations that will transform children into little moorland experts. All of this is achieved in a natural way that makes learning fun. The colourful flora of the fens is quite enchanting and the atmosphere truly magical. Families can experience part of the largest moorland in Switzerland with all their senses. What does the moss feel like? What does it feel like to walk barefoot over different natural materials like wood or sand? The Sundew Trail ends at the adventure playground, where the raft and other play equipment beckon.

Sonnentauweg, Mooraculum, Rossweid, Sörenberg

The crowning moment Gourmet circular hike


From one restaurant to the next.

While the little ones let off steam in the playground, the grown-ups can enjoy an aperitif on the terrace of the Rossweid adventure restaurant, marking the start of the gourmet circular hike, which has something for the whole family. Once the children have gathered, it is an easy hike to the next stop.

Gastronomische Rundwanderung

Typical Entlebuch.

The Salwideli-Beizli serves the first course – a starter with regional ingredients from the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch. Increasing regional added value was a central goal of the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch right from the start, making developing a local brand with raw materials and produce from the region the obvious step.

After a further short hike (approx. 1 hour) , there is room for the second course – cream schnitzel with side dishes at Hotel Rischli. Here too, the focus is on local produce. Typical Entlebuch in fact.

a starter with regional ingredients from the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch.

Lucerne-Lake Lucerne Region , autumn, mountain, meadow, family, walking, playing
  • No. 1 This is Switzerland’s first biosphere reserve.
  • 20 The UNESCO Biosphere in Entlebuch is celebrating its 20th birthday in 2021.
  • 400km² That’s the size of the UNESCO Biosphere in Entlebuch.