All hikes in Bern Region

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79 Results found
  • Sigriswiler Rothorn Panoramaweg

    This route takes hikers through a hilly landscape of forests and alpine meadows up to the steep limestone cliffs of the Sigriswiler Rothorn mountain chain. Here the view stretches far and wide to the Jura and to the many fourthousand metre peaks of the Bernese Oberland.
    Find out more about: + Sigriswiler Rothorn Panoramaweg
  • Alpine Panorama Trail, Stage 21/29

    From charming Schwarzsee to Breccaschlund and into the jagged limestone landscape of the Greyerzer Alps, over the relatively low Euschelspass, carved out by glaciers, to Jaun, the only German-speaking village in the Gruyère region.
    Find out more about: + Alpine Panorama Trail, Stage 21/29
  • Diemtigtaler Talwanderweg

    There are many valley walks, but Diemtigtal from Oey to Schwenden is unique and deserves the highest award. The path follows the Filderich and Chirel valley streams and takes you through forests and meadows.
    Find out more about: + Diemtigtaler Talwanderweg
  • ViaSurprise, Stage 1/6

    Shortly after setting out, the first highlights appear in the shape of Arlesheim Cathedral and the Ermitage, the most significant English-style landscape park in Switzerland. The trail continues to Seewen through the unrivalled landscape of the Gampen Plateau and its tower vantage point.
    Find out more about: + ViaSurprise, Stage 1/6
  • Hike Lauterbrunnen - Stechelberg

    A total of 72 waterfalls gush down into the Lauterbrunnen Valley from the vertical cliff faces, some of which are as high as 400m. The roar and rush of these unique natural spectacles accompanies hikers on this picturesque trail from Lauterbrunnen to Stechelberg.
    Find out more about: + Hike Lauterbrunnen - Stechelberg
  • Alpine Panorama Trail, Stage 20/29

    From the Bernese village of Guggisberg down to the sleepy hamlet of Hirschmatt; via forested hills to the rugged Sensegraben at Zollhaus, into Canton Fribourg and alongside the Warme Sense to the holiday centre of Schwarzsee.
    Find out more about: + Alpine Panorama Trail, Stage 20/29