All hikes in Aarau

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  • Jura Crest Trail, Stage 3/16

    This stretch will introduce you to no less than five different mountain passes. The Staffelegg is followed by the Bänkerjoch, the Salhöhe, the Schafmatt and finally the Unterer Hauenstein passes. In between, there is a lot of forest, several meadows, and the rugged Geissfluh vantage point on the border with Baselland.
    Find out more about: + Jura Crest Trail, Stage 3/16
  • Aargauer Weg, Stage 3/6

    From Brugg, climb up to the Gebenstorfer Horn, the perfect viewing platform for the Switzerland's «Wasserschloss». Along the Jura ridgeway to Baldegg with views of the Alps, then down to the former Habsburg Stein Castle and down to the beautiful Baden old town.
    Find out more about: + Aargauer Weg, Stage 3/6