Architecture in Graubünden

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8 Results found
  • Protective buildings for Roman Excavations

    Its conquest by the Romans 2,000 years ago is an important part of Chur’s history as a settlement. Findings dating back to this period are housed in these protective structures designed by star architect Peter Zumthor.
    Find out more about: + Protective buildings for Roman Excavations
  • Geschäftshaus Würth

    The international Würth Group is headquartered in Chur. The company’s presence enhances Chur’s economy and its headquarters building is regarded as a special gem by those tourists who are interested in culture. Its distinctive architecture is greatly admired as are the exhibits at the Forum Würth Chur.
    Find out more about: + Geschäftshaus Würth
  • Postal bus station

    The postal bus station at Chur train station is one of the city’s most striking buildings. The imposing glass dome provides shelter for passengers and buses in all weathers and serves as a starting point for many interesting rides aboard the yellow buses.
    Find out more about: + Postal bus station
  • Obertor

    One of the three remaining towers on the city walls serves as the Old Town’s southwest entrance and exit. In bygone days, it was on the Ochsenplatz, located just behind the Obertor, that goods were exchanged for the last time before they were taken across the Alps.
    Find out more about: + Obertor
  • Underground church

    The Churches of St. Stephen and St. Luzi were and are both situated higher than the much more famous cathedral. Remains of the Church of St. Stephen were first discovered during the construction of the cantonal school in 1850.
    Find out more about: + Underground church