11 tips for responsible tourism in Switzerland. Travel and discover – conscientious, mindful and respectful.
Travelling in Switzerland means discovering gorgeous landscapes, meeting interesting locals and broadening your horizons. But travel and consumption also use up resources. These tips will enable you to not only minimise your environmental footprint but also enjoy a unique, authentic and memorable travel adventure.

Choose the greenest route in Switzerland.
Environmentally friendly travel begins with your journey to Switzerland – and it’s never been easier than it is today.
70 to 80 per cent of the pollutants created through travel arise during arrival and departure. All the more important, then, to start your sustainable holiday by choosing the most environmentally friendly mode of transport. The range of comfortable sleeper trains is constantly increasing, meaning that Switzerland will soon be connected to even more European cities.
If you are arriving from further away, choose a direct flight and airlines that invest in new resource-efficient fleets.
Get to know Swiss art.
Hospitable, diligent and modest – learn about and fall in love with the unique Swiss way of life.
Read about the values, mentality and traditions of Swiss people before you come to Switzerland. Why? So you can not only gain an insight into Swiss behaviour and customs but also get to know the locals more easily and forge lasting friendships.
Stay longer.
More encounters with locals, more lasting impressions and lower resource consumption – a win-win-win.
The longer you stay, the lower the negative impact on the environment per day of your trip. Staying longer also gives you more time to visit less well known but no less lovely Swiss valleys and towns and take a closer look at our culture and way of life.
Discover Switzerland outside of the high season.
More idyllic locations, new colours and lasting impressions – travelling outside of the high season creates special moments.
It doesn’t always have to be in summer or the peak ski season. The often underestimated spring and autumn months have been waiting a long time to be discovered – and at the same time, this results in more balanced tourism that is healthier long term. So why not enjoy the last ski runs in the warming April sun, watch nature waking up from hibernation in the lowlands or be inspired by the blaze of colour in autumn? More space, more interactions and more relaxation are all guaranteed!
Travel like the locals.
Whether on rails or a steel cable – public transport is just as popular with locals as it is with tourists.
Experience the densest railway network in the world! Switzerland is unrivalled when it comes to the ease, comfort and variety of getting around on public transport. If you still prefer to be completely independent, however, then rent a low-emission electric car. The number and capacity of electric charging stations is increasing every day.
Opt for sustainable and locally run accommodation.
A big impact with little effort – carefully selecting where you stay pays off several times over.
Overnight stays are the second largest source of CO2 emissions when people travel. So consider your choice of accommodation carefully. Stay in hotels, B&Bs and youth hostels featuring the Swisstainable emblem, as this means they are committed to the environmental protection and social justice. Staying in locally run accommodation also means that the money you spend stays in the region. Finally, consciously choosing environmentally and socially responsible accommodation is more pleasure on a personal level and enhances your experience.
Eat at local and responsible restaurants.
Fresh vegetables from the farm next door – local restaurants are a pure delight.
Opt for local restaurants that feature products from Swiss vintners and brewers, source organic ingredients from the region and prepare fresh, authentic dishes. Look for the Swisstainable emblem. It affirms a restaurant’s commitment and responsibility towards people and the environment.
Respect the environment.
Nature is our capital – if we are to preserve it, we must treat it with awe and respect.
Switzerland boasts an astounding 65,000 km of hiking trails – enough to satisfy every nature lover. Please keep to these trails. They pass through sensitive areas that are home to many types of wildlife. And please also keep your voice down.
Use campsites, and check with the local authorities whether wild camping is permitted. Wild animals will appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Buy quality gifts made in Switzerland.
Distinctive, sophisticated and meaningful – Swiss quality is worth it.
Delight your friends and family back home with authentic Swiss souvenirs that embody the Swiss characteristics of precision, care and quality. Visit local workshops and look specifically for products made in Switzerland. Your nearest and dearest will be thrilled, and at the same time you will be supporting local craftspeople.
Reduce, reuse, recycle.
“Less is more” is the new normal and the key to lower resource consumption and more environmentally friendly practices.
Always keep the three Rs in mind. Avoid waste – even when travelling in Switzerland. Use reusable items whenever possible and look out for the recycling symbol and recycling stations. Switzerland is very proud of its highly efficient recycling system – play your part in it!
Be a role model.
Set a positive example for yourself and for future explorers and adventurers.
Think of the generations to come. They will want to enjoy the natural wonders of Switzerland and its local culture just as you are doing now. Make sure your actions are responsible and thoughtful, leave the smallest possible environmental footprint behind, and treat your hosts and other visitors with respect.