Experiences in Lauterbrunnen

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3 Results found
  • Trümmelbach falls

    Loud thundering and roaring in the interior of the mountain, gurgling, foaming and churning water: these are the Trümmelbach Falls. They are Europe's largest subterranean water falls and are located in the Lauterbrunnen Valley, often called the valley of 72 waterfalls.
    Find out more about: + Trümmelbach falls
  • Staubbach Falls - free falling waters with a mist of spray

    With a height of nearly 300 meters, Staubbach Falls is the third highest waterfall in Switzerland. In the summer warm winds swirl the waters around, so that the Falls spray in all directions. These droplets of water spray gave the brook and the waterfall its name. (Staub = dust)
    Find out more about: + Staubbach Falls - free falling waters with a mist of spray