Winter excursions in Entlebuch - Sörenberg

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3 Results found
  • Stöckli handmade skis

    Produced by hand in Malters. Sold all over the world. Skis from long-established Swiss company Stöckli. Founded in 1935, the company with its own ski manufacture is synonymous with perfection and passion.
    Find out more about: + Stöckli handmade skis
  • Marbach Alpine Dairy

    Numerous specialties are produced in the innovative alpine cheese dairy in Marbach, many of which are certified as “Echt Entlebuch – Made in Entlebuch”. The products are made from buffalo milk, which makes them something very special. The cheese dairy’s owners, the Jaun family, were the first in Switzerland to process buffalo milk and also produced the first buffalo mozzarella to be made in Switzerland.
    Find out more about: + Marbach Alpine Dairy
  • Blast off to the stars

    The cities, the mountains, the lakes – have you already seen all that Earth has to offer? If so, then come up to the Sattenlegi and discover the heavens above through our telescope.
    Find out more about: + Blast off to the stars