السفر بالقطار مع المعاقين

RHB, Engadine



Barrier-free travel – for people with disabilities, senior citizens and families with small children. Are you in a wheelchair? Perhaps you need assistance, support or nursing care during your holiday? Or are you looking for information on tourism activities in Switzerland that are accessible with a baby buggy? On the following pages you will find details of barrier-free offers from tourism providers in Switzerland. 

Procap (information office for barrier-free travel)

Tourism inclusive is the information office for barrier-free travel for people with disabilities, disability organisations and the tourism sector in Switzerland.

It is committed to inclusive, barrier-free tourism and travel and advises people with or without disabilities on holidays in Switzerland and abroad.

It collects information on travel throughout Switzerland and worldwide for various interested parties, delivers targeted training to raise awareness in the travel and tourism sector, and accompanies and supports accessibility projects. www.tourism-inclusive.ch, Tel. +41 62 206 88 30, e-mail: tourismus@procap.ch


Equipment hire

Do you require special equipment that you would rather not have to bring with you? Or would you like to hire a wheelchair tractor or electric wheelchair in order to go hiking? Questions like these are gladly answered by Procap Reisen & Sport - Tourism inclusive, information office for travel without barriers: tourismus@procap.ch  

You can book aids such as shower chairs, patient lifters or care in the hotel (Hotelspitex) with Claire & George by telephone or online.


For information on locking systems of obstacle-free facilities including a list of installations, Eurokey and Paramap are the right addresses.