All hikes in منطقة بيرن

15 Results وجدت

15 Results وجدت

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15 Results وجدت
  • Panorama Rundweg Thunersee

    The Lake Thun panorama round trail is an exciting and enjoyable, several-day hike through the Bernese Oberland with majestic lake and mountain panoramas, passing historic sites and impressive caves.
    Find out more about: + Panorama Rundweg Thunersee
  • جسر تريفت – جسر مشاة مثير للإعجاب (مشهدي)

    إن جسر تريفت هو أحد أكثر الجسور المعلقة للمشاة جمالاً في جبال الألب. وإن ارتفاعه 100م وطوله 170 م، وهو متوازن فوق منطقة تريفت غلاسيير. كما يمكن الوصول إلى الجسر عن طريق الوادي بالتلفريك وهي مغامرة بحد ذاتها.
    Find out more about: + جسر تريفت – جسر مشاة مثير للإعجاب (مشهدي)
  • Axalp-Schnitzlerweg

    From Brienz you take the postbus up to the terminus on Axalp and the start of the Woodcarving Trail. A fairly easy hike, also suitable for children, with the opportunity to swim and barbecue at Hinterburgseeli (lake).
    Find out more about: + Axalp-Schnitzlerweg
  • Horneggli-Panoramaweg

    This tour isn’t called a panoramic route for nothing. The entire route offers fascinating views of the striking Alpine terrain around Gstaad, including the Rüebli, Gummfluh and Northern Alps massif.
    Find out more about: + Horneggli-Panoramaweg
  • Via Alpina, Stage 13/20

    The king’s stage over the 2778m-high Hohtürli. Rewarding detour to the Blümlisalphütte and eternal glacier ice. Down over moraine to beautiful, deep-blue Oeschinensee backed by steep cliffs; one of the most beautiful mountain lakes in the Alps.
    Find out more about: + Via Alpina, Stage 13/20
  • Schwarzsee Rundweg

    This circular route around the Schwarzsee lake in Canton Freiburg is located in the midst of wonderfully picturesque scenery. With it's impressive mountain panorama and glistening lake, the region is ideal for extended tours.
    Find out more about: + Schwarzsee Rundweg
  • Höhi-Wispile-Lauenensee-Weg

    An absolute classic! This very varied tour from Gstaad to Lauenen is perfect for families. An enjoyable hike indeed, it also affords picturesque views from the Höhi Wispile. The highlight is the legendary Lake Lauenen.
    Find out more about: + Höhi-Wispile-Lauenensee-Weg
  • Eiger Trail

    No trail comes closer to the famous Eiger North Face – with the Eiger Trail you are guaranteed two hours of top notch thrills.
    Find out more about: + Eiger Trail
  • Gantrisch-Panoramaweg

    The Gantrisch Panoraweg Path offers a scenic pre-Alps hike with many spectacular viewpoints. The tour takes place on a well structured and signposted hiking path – and is a tour suitable for undertaking in stages.
    Find out more about: + Gantrisch-Panoramaweg
  • Breccaschlund-Panoramaweg

    Hollowed out by glaciers, the wild landscape of the Breccaschlund is both fascinating and mysterious. A circular walk, technically quite simple, leads from the Riggisalp, which overlooks the Schwarzsee, to the foot of some imposing cliffs. The return to the valley is punctuated with Alpine restaurants.
    Find out more about: + Breccaschlund-Panoramaweg
  • مسار نزهة جرف شوينيغ بلاتة الدائرية سيراً على الأقدام

    تقدم منطقة شوينيغ بلاتة رحلة جبلية مريحة ورومانسية على القطار المزود بتروس، وجولة في حديقة ألبية أو جبلية إلى فاولهورن، بالإضافة إلى مسير على الجرف بإطلالات شاملة. ويمكن تقصير هذه الجولة الدائرية إلى جبل توبا وعبر الجرف إلى أوبيربيرجهورن حسب الرغبة.
    Find out more about: + مسار نزهة جرف شوينيغ بلاتة الدائرية سيراً على الأقدام
  • Hike Lauterbrunnen - Stechelberg

    A total of 72 waterfalls gush down into the Lauterbrunnen Valley from the vertical cliff faces, some of which are as high as 400m. The roar and rush of these unique natural spectacles accompanies hikers on this picturesque trail from Lauterbrunnen to Stechelberg.
    Find out more about: + Hike Lauterbrunnen - Stechelberg