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8 Results وجدت

8 Results وجدت

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8 Results وجدت
  • قلعة بودري

    A visit to the vine and wine museum in the imposing Château de Boudry is a must for all wine enthusiasts. This region has been home to vineyards and winegrowers for over two thousand years. Of the six million litres of wine produced in the Neuchâtel vineyards in the 17th and 18th centuries, around four million were consumed in the region itself.
    Find out more about: + قلعة بودري
  • Jeunes-Rives Park

    Just a few minutes from the city centre, shady green spaces, tall trees and a pebble beach offer the perfect spot for fun in the water and relaxation. Walking trails wind their way through the expansive lawned areas, and the view of the Bernese Alps is simply marvellous.
    Find out more about: + Jeunes-Rives Park
  • Areuse Gorge

    Discover Areuse Gorge. It is a study in contrasts: sometimes wide open, sometimes narrow, with burbling waters and spaces of deep silence.
    Find out more about: + Areuse Gorge
  • متحف التاريخ الطبيعي

    معرض دائم للثدييات والطيور الموجودة في سويسرا ضمن بيئتها الطبيعية (عروض صور مصحوبة بأصوات العصافير التي تخصها).
    Find out more about: + متحف التاريخ الطبيعي
  • متحف نيوشاتل للفن والتاريخ

    متحف الفن والتاريخ، هو المكان الذي يمكنك فيه رؤية دمى جاكيه درو الشهيرة التي تعود إلى عام 1774: حيث كان جاكيه كاتباً، فناناً وموسيقياً.
    Find out more about: + متحف نيوشاتل للفن والتاريخ
  • Neuchâtel Castle

    The well-preserved castle of Neuchâtel, which is over 1,000 years old and from which the city gets its name, towers above the small city of Neuchâtel. From here, you have the best view for miles.
    Find out more about: + Neuchâtel Castle