المتنزهات السويسرية

وادي مونستير
إن وادي مونستير الرعوي هو عالم صغير بحد ذاته وراء ممر أوفين. وبمروجه الخضراء الخصبة وقراه الجميلة يقد تناقضاً للطبيعة البدائية للحديقة الوطنية القريبة. وإن زيارة إلى الوادي أمر واجب من أجل محبي الثقافة بسبب التصويرات الجصية في دير سان جوهان، وموقع التراث الثقافي العالمي لليونسكو.
المزيد من المعلوماتUNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch
Seemingly endless moorlands, craggy karst formations and wild mountain streams make for special experiences and views. Switzerland's first biosphere reserve offers natural beauty at its finest. Almost no other region in Switzerland has as many natural treasures as the “Wild West” of Lucerne.
المزيد من المعلوماتحديقة المعالم الطبيعية فيما بين كريير وبيي دينو
وفيما يخص هذه الحديقة فإنها تقع في إقليمي فراي برغ وفود بين شواطئ بحيرة جنيف ولا كريير (في كراييرزير لاند) وبيي دينو (في سانن لاند) حيث تتصف المنطقة بأسرها بمسحة غريبة من التجانس فيما بين الإنسان والحضارة والطبيعة.
المزيد من المعلوماتحديقة الجورا في آركاو
والجورا في منطقة أركاو هي أرض التلال المتموجة إذ ترقد التلال فيها فيما بين نهر آرا ونهر الراين. إنها أكبر منطقة لقضاء العطلات ما بين بازل وزيوريخ حيث تتعدد فيها أشكال وتدرجات الطبيعة بين وديان وهضبة جوراسية وجبال.
المزيد من المعلوماتبينتال نايتشر بارك
بينتال (وادي بين) يحمل المفاجآت عند كل منعطف. فن طهو عالمي كلاسيكي وحائز على جائزة في قرية جبلية. عمارة رفيعة على مستوى العالم في مشهد بدائي.
المزيد من المعلوماتحديقة المعالم الطبيعية في وادي ديم تيك تال
فقد تقدم العمر بنهري شيريل وفيلدريك في العام 2005 بفعل الإهمال ولكن جراح الفيضانات اندملت بعد ذلك وها قد أطل الوادي الآن بكل منحىً من مناحي جماله الطبيعي على كل الناس لينظروا إلى حسنه.
المزيد من المعلوماتBeverin Nature Park
The 2998-meter Piz Beverin, located in the middle of Beverin Nature Park, dominates the park’s scenery. Majestic, serene, frugal, persevering and peaceful – these are the characteristics defining this habitat of the capricorn (Rhaeto-Romanic for ibex). The park covers 412 square kilometres from Thusis to Schams and includes large parts of the Safien Valley.
المزيد من المعلوماتGantrisch Nature Park
Forests, gorges and the unique Gantrisch mountain chain dominate the landscape in the Gantrisch Regional Nature Park. But the virtual absence of light pollution is also characteristic of the park and means guests can marvel at a magical, starry sky – in short, wonderful surroundings in which to unwind.
المزيد من المعلوماتPfyn-Finges Nature Park
The Pfyn-Finges Nature Park is home to an amazing variety of landscapes, natural habitats and cultural distinctiveness. The change from glacier to vineyard, wetland to rocky steppe, Alpine hut to castle and German to French makes this nature park in Central Valais singularly attractive.
المزيد من المعلوماتSchaffhausen Regional Nature Park
The Schaffhausen Region has a unique, traditional cultural landscape. The Randen hills, the vast vineyards, and the Rhine, define this region.
Thal Nature Park
The route to the Thal Nature Park leads through the compact township of Klus in the Balsthal. But an expansive, wondrous world of nature unfolds beyond this: the gentle rolling hills of the Jura.
Doubs Nature Park
The river Doubs lends its name to Doubs Nature Park. Forty kilometers long, the river forms the border of the French Departement bearing the same name. To the south, the Freiberg Mountains with their typical forest and meadow landscape are part of the 378-square-meter Nature Park.
Parc Ela
Switzerland’s largest regional nature park lies in the heart of Graubünden. Untouched nature, original villages and a Unesco World Heritage site all meet here.
Jura Vaudois Nature Park
The Jura Vaudois Nature Park extends from the summit of La Dôle to the medieval monastic town of Romainmôtier. To the north lies the Vallée de Joux at an altitude of 1,000m. Visitor programmes are offered by the park office and local tourism organisations.
Jorat Nature Discovery Park
The heavily forested “Jorat”, a hilly area north of the final stop of the Lausanne metro, is the largest contiguous woodland in the Swiss midland region. Located between Lausanne and Moudon, the road that used to be the main thoroughfare to Bern is passing through the edge of it.
المزيد من المعلوماتValley of Trient Regional Nature Park (candidate)
Situated in the French-speaking part of Valais, the Valley of Trient Regional Nature Park covers an area of natural beauty that stretches from the Arpille to the Cime de l’Est. Its wild, unspoiled nature offers magnificent landscapes and plenty of opportunities to sample delicious products of the terroir with an authentic heritage.
Chasseral Nature Park
Located in the triangle between Neuchâtel, La Chaux-de-Fonds and Biel/Bienne, the summit of the Chasseral is both the high point and centre of the nature park. The reserve covers 387km2 - 1% of the surface area of Switzerland – and a total of 21 municipalities.
المزيد من المعلوماتParco Val Calanca
Well protected by high mountain ranges and far away from transit traffic, the Parco Val Calanca nature reserve is located in the Italian-speaking part of Graubünden. It is characterised by wild and unspoiled nature, traditional settlements built from stone and wood, well-preserved mule tracks, art and architecture dating back to many different centuries, as well as excellent local produce.
المزيد من المعلوماتSwiss National Park
Everything is nature-oriented in the Swiss National Park in the Engadine. All this can be enjoyed in an area of over 170 square kilometers. Thanks to 80 kilometers of hiking paths, nature trails and excursion destinations for children and families; everyone can have a good time. The Swiss National Park, founded in 1914, is the oldest in the Alps.
المزيد من المعلوماتWildnispark Zürich Sihlwald
The first nature experiences park in Switzerland offers a unique combination of forest, wilderness and animals. The Wilderness Park Zürich is home to the Sihlwald forest, a visitor centre with museum in the Sihlwald forest and the Langenberg park.
المزيد من المعلومات- 20 Swiss Parks throughout Switzerland.
- 14 % or 5,839 km2 of the country’s land is covered by Swiss parks.
- 12 There are Swiss Parks in 12 of the 26 cantons.
- 303,000 residents lived in Swiss Parks in 2022.
- 4 There is at least one Swiss Park in each of Switzerland’s four language regions.
- 1914 is the year the Swiss National Park was founded. It is the oldest national park in the Alps.
- 548 km2 is the size of the largest Swiss Park, Parc Ela.
- 120 km2 is the size of the smallest Swiss Park, Parco Val Calanca.
- > 1,700 regional products are certified with the “Swiss Parks” label.