Grand Train Tour of Switzerland
Lungo il Grand Train Tour of Switzerland, dai treni panoramici potrai ammirare tutto l’anno tutti i punti di interesse e le attrazioni della Svizzera. Sali a bordo, rilassati e divertiti: ovunque tu preferisca.
- 1280 chilometri
- 8 tratte
- 11 grandi laghi
- 5 siti del patrimonio mondiale dell’UNESCO
- 4 lingue ufficiali

Alternative section:
St. Moritz – Lugano (by bus)
Switch to the bus and road
Interlaken – Zweisimmen – Montreux
A panoramic ride between two worlds.
Lugano – Flüelen – Luzern
The panoramic journey by train and boat.
Luzern – St. Gallen
Over gentle hills with a view of the Alps.
Montreux – Visp – Zermatt
Up the valley to the “mountain of mountains”.
St. Gallen – Schaffhausen – Zürich
The “maritime” side of Switzerland.
St. Moritz – Tirano – Lugano
From glaciers to palm trees.
Zermatt – St. Moritz
The slowest express train in the world.
Zürich – Luzern – Interlaken
From lake to lake, from city to city.